What is this thing we call LIFE?

I know I can’t possibly be the first person to question this……

In my 35 yrs, LIFE has taught me so much….  The things I grew up fantasizing about, I quickly learned were NOT reality! Seriously, WHY the HELL do we allow our children to grow  up with such warped views of this world?? Little girls taught to believe that being “Beautiful” and  finding their “Prince Charming” define their very existence, to our young men never really having the proper model of a MAN before them. Our boys have failed to reach mental, let alone emotional maturity, and the two come together to create dysfunctional generation after generation……

But THIS, this is just the basis of our epic failure….. As I’ve grown I’ve often wondered WHY, why after experiencing life’s joys, sorrows, achievements, disappointments for yourself haven’t we as a people shared MORE with the upcoming generations? How many broken homes could’ve been spared, how many businesses could’ve thrived, marriages been sustained, ministries been successful, children not have been aborted, addicts never touch a drug……If ONLY we could truly be TRANSPARENT with one another, UnAShaMED of failures as much as our successes.

I’ve NOT arrived, but age and gradual maturity are teaching me daily… My goal in life is to Love ME and Love the Process I endure. I share my story, the good, bad, and ugly in hopes that maybe ONE might attempt to do things differently, successfully, wisely…..

NEVER be ashamed of who you are and from where you’ve come….. There is PURPOSE in your Process….



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